Project Overview
A printing service provider supplies pre-printed member cards (includes a label, small size and big size card in a set) to a supermarket. During the packing process, the set or sequence number might be wrong so it seeks for a QC solution to read and to verify each set quickly.
Client Sector
IT Product & Service Supplier, ICT supplier, Printer Vendor
1D Barcode Scanners with Tailor-made Mounting
Hong Kong

QC Solution - Data Capture Automation
During the QC inspection, barcode scanners with tailor-made mounting are adopted to scan all 3 barcodes in one click ensuring the correct set is packed and sequence put into box. At the same time, an eye-catching alert will be shown on screen to notice the staff when there is any incorrect, so corrective action can be done soon. A day-end read log file will be automatically stored for record tracking.