Project Overview
Stocktaking Process (per month):
3 designated locations X approx. 200 X 2 times per month = 1200 man hours
To reach the food safety and hygiene standard, food stock-take is inevitable in their usual practice. However, huge number of chain restaurant makes it much difficult to manage.
For performing stock-take, data input and double-checking on the manual stock-take process, approximately 2,000 man hours per time in total were used.
Client Sector

Equipment in Use
Careful selection of equipment used in the kitchen environment assures high quality and stable performance throughout the implementation. The handheld terminal (Model: ST-32) in use is under industrial-graded protection – rugged, waterproof and dust resistance.
Barcode Solution - Inventory Management
Result/ Feedback
The solution successfully saves OVER 50% costs (approx. 2-year ROI) by eliminating the heavy manual works in food stocktaking. Along with the improvement of data accuracy and spend time reduction of man hours, the overall efficiency of the operation process is highly increased.